Saturday, January 31, 2009

Censorship by Search Engine

To both my loyal readers:

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was a little demoralized. And a lot busy with work. Anyway, here is my latest rant:

I was trying to show Mr. Molly this great new blog that I have recently discovered called Big Hollywood. I have it saved on my computer, but we were on his, which is in a different part of the house from mine. I searched for Big Hollywood and Andrew Breitbart on google and was told that visiting the site might damage my computer. I did not get the same message when I searched via yahoo.

This is the second time that this has happened. I was trying to find an article on for Mr. Molly and I got the same or a similar message. Hmmmm. I have also heard that this has happened with the Townhall website. You don't suppose that the folks at google have some sort of left leaning bias?

Anyway, I am irate. These people have enough gall(Gaul)to divide into three parts. I am pretty sure that Big Hollywood will not harm my computer. What it will do, which I suspect really scares the hard core leftists, is allow me (and other people like me, you know the suckers who work 60 hours a week, so that we can support a "bailout package" and reward failure) to know that not all of the "Beautiful People" hate America.

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