Monday, February 16, 2009

Nadya Suleman, Freeloader Extraordinaire

As a general rule, I don't care what you do, as long as you don't harm anyone else and don't expect to be supported by the taxpayers. And guess what? This lunatic has managed to do both. As best as I can figure out, she wanted her own JonandKateDuggerpalooza reality show.

I have nothing against medical assistance with conception. I understand wanting one child and being willing to go through this process as a last ditch effort to have one. I can even understand that after discovering she is carrying two or three or more babies that someone would be unwilling to selectively kill one or more of the babies. This woman, however is clearly insane.

I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around the idea that a single mother who already had six children, three of whom were special needs, would have eight embryos implanted. Eight potential lives. This woman's apparent indifference to the health and welfare of her children is appalling and shameful.

I also cannot wrap my brain around the idea that a responsible physician would be willing to participate in this scheme. Everything about this undertaking was risky to both the mother and to the unborn children.

The fact that anyone would implant even one embryo in a woman with no apparent means of financial support other than public assistance, much less eight, just boggles my mind. At least the Duggars, as strange as I find them, don't cost the taxpayers anything.

I think that the licenses of all medical personnel involved in this matter should be reviewed and be revoked, or at the very least, suspended. And the doctors, not the taxpayers, should be responsible for supporting these children.

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