Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Worst Book Ever

I tried. I really tried, and I am pretty compulsive about finishing books that I start. I made a valiant effort, but I could not make myself finish the book.

I paid good money for a book called Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll. It is supposed to be a sequel to Pride and Prejudice.

First, I am not convinced that the author actually read Pride and Prejudice before writing the so-called sequel. I think it is far more likely that she watched some part of the movie on the same evening as she watched Debbie Does Dallas and got very confused.

This book has none of the subtlety and social commentary that makes Jane Austen's books such a pleasure to read over and over again. I cannot wrap my brain around the Elizabeth Bennett as sex kitten concept and I don't think I should have to. Not only is there nothing subtle about the sex scenes in this book, they were, in my opinion, crass. I would go into more detail, but I have not yet eaten my dinner.

Second, this book is replete with grammatical errors, and questionable word usage. I seriously doubt that the author owns a dictionary or has even heard of a thesaurus. The last sentence I could bear to read in this book was "[w]ith all due restraint (she did not coldcock her with a grandiole), Elizabeth spluttered briefly." p. 290. This was the last sentence I could stand to read from this book. Coldcock!?!?!? Good Lord!

I suppose I should feel guilty that I have already put a 10c price tag on the book to prepare it for the next yard sale we have. I know it is wrong to rip people off. But hey, the poor sucker who buys this book can always use it to line a bird cage.

If you want to read a good sequel there are quite a few out there, but for the love of God, avoid this one at all costs!

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