Saturday, February 21, 2009

Endemyon - Not My Favorite

I have mixed emotions about Mardi Gras. I hate the traffic and the crowds and the garbage. I love the Parades. Except Endemyon. I will stand in th cold to watch Krewe de Vieux, or Muses, or my favorite, Krewe d'Etat, but I would probably rather have a root canal than go to Endemyon.

Why do I hate this parade? First, they recycle themes/floats. Second, I don't like the quality of people who go to it. Third, I do not like the quality of some (not all) of the people who are in it.

I was talking with two friends of mine who agree with me on this matter. I mention it because we all dislike this parade for the same reason - we have all had similar unpleasant experiences. All of us, on separate occasions, have been groped by drunken strangers at this parade. Which is disgusting.

Two of us have also noticed riders trying to get people to flash them. This is bad enough, but these riders were encouraging this behavior from young girls, maybe as old as fifteen, but probably younger. The other friend, of course, was even more outraged, as these swine were trying to get her twelve year old daughter to lift up her shirt (this little girl has better sense than to flash strangers, but that is not the point). Needless to say, neither this friend, nor her daughter, who is now grown, have been to this parade since.

Besides, if I really want to watch this parade, I can do so, unmolested in the comfort and safety of my own home.

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